Message of His Holiness John Pall II for Lent 2003
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
1. Lent is a season of intense prayer, fasting and concern for those in
need. It offers all Christians an opportunity to prepare for Easter by
serious discernment about their lives, with particular attention to the
word of God which enlightens the daily journey of all who believe.
This year, as a guide for our Lenten meditation, I would offer a phrase
taken from the Acts of the Apostles: «It is more blessed to give
than to receive» (Acts 20:35). What we have here is not simply a
moral exhortation, or a command which comes to us from without. The inclination
to give is rooted in the depths of the human heart: every person is conscious
of a desire to interact with others and everyone finds fulfilment in a
free gift of self to others.
2. Our age, regrettably, is particularly susceptible to the temptation
toward selfishness which always lurks within the human heart. In society
generally, and in the media, people are bombarded by messages which more
or less openly exalt the ephemeral and the hedonistic. Concern for others
is certainly shown whenever natural disasters, war and other emergencies
strike, but in general it is difficult to build a culture of solidarity.
The spirit of the world affects our inner propensity to give ourselves
unselfishly to others and drives us to satisfy our own particular interests.
The desire to possess ever more is encouraged. Surely it is natural and
right that people, by using their own gifts and by their own labour, should
work to obtain what they need to live, but an excessive desire for possessions
prevents human beings from being open to their Creator and to their brothers
and sisters. The words of Paul to Timothy remain relevant in every age:
«The love of money is the root of all evils; it is through this
craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced their
hearts with many pangs» (1 Tim 6:10)!
Exploitation of others, indifference towards the suffering of our brothers
and sisters, and the violation of basic rules of morality are just a few
fruits of the thirst for gain. Faced with the tragic situation of persistent
poverty which afflicts so many people in our world, how can we fail to
see that the quest for profit at any cost and the lack of effective, responsible
concern for the common good have concentrated immense resources in the
hands of a few while the rest of humanity suffers in poverty and neglect?
Appealing to believers and to all people of good will, I would like to
reaffirm a principle which is self-evident yet often ignored: our goal
should not be the benefit of a privileged few, but rather the improvement
of the living conditions of all. Only on this foundation can we build
that international order truly marked by justice and solidarity which
is the hope of everyone.
3. «It is more blessed to give than to receive». When believers
respond to the inner impulse to give themselves to others without expecting
anything in return, they experience a profound interior satisfaction.
The efforts of Christians to promote justice, their commitment in defence
of the powerless, their humanitarian work in providing bread for the hungry
and their care for the sick by responding to every emergency and need,
draw their strength from that sole and inexhaustible treasury of love
which is the complete gift of Jesus to the Father. Believers are called
to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, true God and true man, who,
in perfect obedience to the will of the Father, emptied himself (cf. Phil
2:6 ff), and humbly gave himself to us in selfless and total love, even
unto death on a cross. Calvary eloquently proclaims the message of the
Blessed Trinitys love for human beings of all times and places.
Saint Augustine points out that only God, as the Supreme Good, is capable
of overcoming the various forms of poverty present in our world. Mercy
and love for ones neighbour must therefore be the fruit of a living
relationship with God and have God as their constant point of reference,
since it is in closeness to Christ that we find our joy (cf. De Civitate
Dei, X, 6; CCL 39:1351ff).
4. The Son of God loved us first, while «we were yet sinners»
(Rom 5:6), with an unconditional love which asks nothing in return. If
this is so, how can we fail to see the season of Lent as a providential
opportunity to make courageous decisions inspired by altruism and generosity?
Lent offers us the practical and effective weapons of fasting and almsgiving
as a means of combating an excessive attachment to money. Giving not only
from our abundance, but sacrificing something more in order to give to
the needy, fosters that self-denial which is essential to authentic Christian
living. Strengthened by constant prayer, the baptized reveal the priority
which they have given to God in their lives.
The love of God poured into our hearts ought to inspire and transform
who we are and what we do. Christians must not think that they can seek
the true good of their brothers and sisters without embodying the charity
of Christ. Even in those cases where they might succeed in improving important
aspects of social or political life, without charity every change would
remain short-lived. The possibility of giving oneself to others is itself
a gift which comes from the grace of God. As Saint Paul teaches: «God
is at work in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure»
(Phil 2:13).
5. To modern men and women, often dissatisfied with a shallow and ephemeral
existence and in search of authentic happiness and love, Christ offers
his own example and issues the invitation to follow him. He asks those
who hear his voice to give their lives for others. This sacrifice is a
source of self-fulfilment and joy, as is seen in the eloquent example
of those men and women who, leaving all security behind, have not hesitated
to risk their lives as missionaries in different parts of the world. It
can also be seen in the response of those young people who, prompted by
faith, have embraced a vocation to the priesthood or the religious life
in order to serve Gods plan of salvation. It is likewise the experience
of the growing number of volunteers who readily devote themselves to helping
the poor, the elderly, the sick and all those in need.
Recently, we have witnessed a praiseworthy outpouring of solidarity for
the victims of floods in Europe, earthquakes in Latin America and Italy,
epidemics in Africa, volcanic eruptions in the Phillippines, as well as
for other areas of the world scarred by hatred, violence and war.
In these situations, the communications media play a significant role
by allowing us to identify with and offer ready help to the suffering
and those in distress. At times it is not the Christian command of love,
but rather an innate sense of compassion which motivates our efforts to
assist others. Even so, anyone who helps those in need always enjoys Gods
favour. In the Acts of the Apostles we read that the disciple Tabitha
was saved because she had done good to her neighbour (cf. 9:36 ff). The
centurion Cornelius obtained eternal life on account of his generosity
(cf. ibid., 10: 2-31).
For those who are «far-off», service to the needy can be a
providential path leading to an encounter with Christ, since the Lord
abundantly repays the good deeds done to ones neighbour (cf. Mt
It is my fervent hope that believers will find this Lent a favorable time
for bearing witness to the Gospel of charity in every place, since the
vocation to charity is the heart of all true evangelization. To this end
I invoke the intercession of Mary, Mother of the Church and pray that
she will accompany us on our Lenten journey. With these sentiments I affectionately
impart to all my blessing.
From the Vatican, 7 January 2003