BLD-HK LSS Outreach in Tsing Yi
By Tess Jaramillo
"Come to me all you who labor and are heavily burden and I will give you peace of soul" (Matt 11, 28-29)
This promise of the Lord was fulfilled thru the Life in the Spirit Seminar (LSS) sponsored by Bukas Look Sa Diyos Hong Kong community (BLD-HK) last October 8, 15 and 22, 2000, at the St. Thomas the Apostle Parish at Tsing Yi. It was the major activity of the Communitys Outreach Ministry in 2000.
It was a Jubilee year and St. Thomas, the Apostle is a Jubilee Church.
Sixty-two candidates surrendered their baggage and bondages to the Lord and chose follow Gods plan for them. They too realized that the Lord loved them.
Prior to the LSS, the candidates or lambs were each assigned a shepherd to guide and encourage them in their journey towards a Life in the Spirit; a deeper, personal relationship with the Lord.
With Gods grace, the shepherds helped the lambs to surrender to the will of God, to give up their feelings of unworthiness, bitterness and unforgiveness to Him who reconciles all things to Himself through Jesus Christ. The tears of remorse and cries of sorrow were replaced by a mighty harvest of joy as the Holy Spirit filled the lambs with overwhelming love of Christ.
During the LSS, the entire BLD-HK community stormed Heaven for the needs of the lambs, interceding through prayers and supplications.
The clergy, especially Fr. Carter, Fr. Naylor, Msgr, Tom Gonzalez, Sr, Emilia Marcelo of the Hong Kong Diocese, Frs. Luigi Bonalumi and Paul Vallet of St Thomas, the Apostle Church, plus Frs. Eugene Arco and Gino Santos lent their invaluable support throughout the LSS.
They embodied Christs teaching that whatever you do to the least of my brethren you do it unto me.
The LSS is over but for the lambs, it is just the beginning of their respective journeys towards the Lord. Now, they are ready to face lifes trials better because they are equipped with many spiritual weapons to counterattack the enemy so as not to lose their focus on the Lord.
Indeed, the Lord will keep His promise as long as we put our trust in Him.